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Ron Gallen
Apr 27, 20203 min read
Artists and Self-Employed Covid-19 Benefits
People who work and get a W-2 have filed for unemployment benefits in a tidal wave of website-crashing benefit claims. Through Thursday,...
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Ron Gallen
Apr 17, 20203 min read
How to Redo Your Budget During Quarantine
I'm hearing from people across the spectrum of income and wealth who are now in a financial bind. A woman from Texas relying on social...
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Ron Gallen
Apr 8, 20203 min read
We Need a National Rent Moratorium
The minute California governor, Gavin Newsom, issued his order to stay home on March 19th, a treacherous line of dominoes began lining...
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Ron Gallen
Apr 7, 20203 min read
Parents: Setting and Keeping Financial Boundaries
Most of the parents I have worked with who are struggling to set and keep reasonable financial limits with their children are in fairly...
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Ron Gallen
Apr 6, 20202 min read
Underearners (artist department): Sarah's Story
If you were to meet Sarah, you would not mistake her for an executive or someone working in finance. At first sight, it is hard to...
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Ron Gallen
Apr 6, 20202 min read
Underearning in Brief
Deprivation is like a world with certain colors missing. Chronic underearning or anorectic spending are adaptive responses to living in a...
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Ron Gallen
Apr 5, 20203 min read
Dealing With Creditors
Here is an outline of what I recommend if debt is a problem. First, establish a spending plan (see The Spending Plan) that takes care of...
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Ron Gallen
Apr 5, 20203 min read
Money and the Recovering Addict
Money is particularly troublesome for people in recovery. Addicts of all stripes often have stubbornly entrenched money problems long...
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Ron Gallen
Apr 4, 20203 min read
Creating a Spending Plan
Excerpt from The Money Trap... Ok, get out a pad and a pen. Let's do your spending plan. Don't worry if the whole idea scares you, don't...
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Ron Gallen
Apr 4, 20203 min read
Money, Therapy, and Depression
Excerpt from The Money Trap... The problem with psychotherapy for people with chronic money is that it can be uncommonly frustrating-for...
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Ron Gallen
Mar 2, 20201 min read
Are You an Overspender? Part I
Excerpt from The Money Trap Overspenders Compulsive spending and compulsive debting are a very effective way of keeping unwanted feelings...
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Ron Gallen
Mar 2, 20202 min read
Overspenders: Billy's Story
Excerpt from The Money Trap... Billy's Story...a pretty stark example of how overspending is not about earning enough. Billy owns a small...
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